Trotting for Hunger on Thanksgiving
This past Thanksgiving morning, an elite corp of runners/power walkers from the Dupont Circle Rotary Club found itself heading to to Freedom Plaza for one of the most highly anticipated events of DC's running calendar. We were there to join the 7000+ people that were there to run, walk, or trot in the 10th Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger. This event is organized annually by So Others Might Eat (SOME) to help them continue to provide food and support to the growing number of homeless families, men, and women in Washington DC. It was a sunny November morning, and it was great to see so many people out to support an organization that has been doing so much good in our community since the 1970s, expanding its activities beyond providing hot and nutritional meals, to a range of different programs for the elderly and on substance abuse, among others.
The trotters took this event very seriously (as the photo evidence shows), and if you feel like you missed out, you're welcome to join us next Thanksgiving.

Not just for turkeys

The final handful of the Dupont Circle Elite Trotting Team 2011 that stayed for photos after the run.